Industry Networking

June 21, 2024

Industry Networking

Glidex successfully hosted its Annual Industry Networking Event, bringing together leading figures in film, fashion, and digital media. The event provided a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and exploring potential collaborations. Highlights included keynote speeches, panel discussions, and exclusive screenings of our latest projects.

The event served as a catalyst for new partnerships and collaborations, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas and trends within the industry. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with thought leaders, explore innovative concepts, and gain insights into future industry developments. Glidex's commitment to facilitating these high-profile gatherings reinforces its role as a key player in shaping the future of media and entertainment.


    • Activities: Keynote speeches, panel discussions, and project screenings

    • Purpose: Networking, knowledge exchange, and exploring collaborations

    • Impact: Fostered new partnerships, showcased innovative concepts, and provided industry insights